
CPS board approves budget, bonds and $2.5M on Claypool's consultants

Chicago's Board of Education approved an amended operating budget on Wednesday that sends $38 million more to the city's charter schools, up to $1.1 billion in bonds and millions more for consultants, including several closely linked to CEO Forrest Claypool.

But in a highly unusual vote for the appointed school board, the measure approving an additional $2.5 million for the consultants, including at least three who've worked for Claypool in the past and gave to his political campaigns, didn't pass unanimously.

Arnaldo Rivera, who has worked at CPS and for the mayor, voted no, and former CPS principal Gail Ward abstained from this vote, as she did one year ago when the Board was asked to consider an $11.5 million spending bump on the same service providers.

Crowe Horwath LLP, KPMP LLP and UCG Associates have seen their billings skyrocket since Mayor Rahm Emanuel sent his longtime friend Claypool to CPS in 2015, even as spending on other such professional services dropped.

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