
He won't parrot Trump's wishes

I endorse Matt Brolley for Illinois's 14th Congressional District. Matt is the Montgomery village president. I know Montgomery to be a well run municipality and I know Matt to be adept at working with all parties on an issue.

Importantly to me, Matt is an engineer. Our legislative bodies are woefully short of engineers and scientists. The skill and training for engineers like Matt to vet evidence is applicable across a broad range of issues. Economics, climate, social programs, health care, and more can, and should, be approached with the scientific method.

Sadly, we seem to have entered an era of increasing distrust and disregard of science. The present holder of the 14th District seat has dismissed the overwhelming consensus on human-caused climate change.

The present holder of the 14th District seat nearly always votes in alignment with Donald Trump's wishes.

I've known Matt Brolley for several years and have gotten to know him better these past months. I trust that Matt will work for policy based on the best evidence and eschew ideology.

Mike Bruno

Geneva alderman

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