
Letter: Kane County Fair tiger show was shameful

Unfortunately, Kane County Fair is featuring a new Bengal Tiger Show. The Herald featured a picture of a tiger walking on its hind legs. Even "The Greatest Show on Earth" has come to their senses amid complaints of animal cruelty and inhumane treatment of wild animals.

Lions, Tigers and Bears - Oh my! The lucky ones may end up at The Wild Animal Sanctuary in Keenesburg, Colorado, where hundreds of these abused animals that originally came from small circuses, zoos and side shows now live in open fields. Being forced to entertain humans, these wild animals live in cages, trailers and concrete cells.

When they won't perform anymore, grow old or are too costly to maintain, they end up being neglected, starved or prematurely euthanized. Wild animals weren't meant to live in such conditions and forced to perform like a trick dog. Shame on Kane County Fair and our municipalities that even allow such shows.

Wanda Milne


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