
Real health care problem is the cost

The battle between Obama Care and Trump Care ignores the real problem that both sides mention but don't do anything about.

The problem is costs. Nobody seems to want to doing anything about it. Is it because too many politicians get donations from the people who keep raising the costs?

Fifty years ago, I had a son and the company I worked for gave me $200 to cover the birth. I had $200 left over. I had another son the next year and with the $400 I broke even. Another son came along the next year and it costs me $600. This is a 300 percent increase over three years and I hate to think what it costs in 2017.

The version of Trump Care helps no one as its doesn't attack the problem.

Benjamin Franklin said that the "purpose of the government is take care of its people" but we have an upcoming Republican version of this. Jesus' sermon on the mount might be different, and if he was a Republican, you would have heard, "Your poverty disgusts me! Get a job you losers … and don't get sick and if you do, stay away from me."

Lazarus would still be dead and the blind man would still be blind.

Raleigh Sutton


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