
Source of our problem is lack of term limits

We have just gone through another stalemate when working to make a budget. Madigan and Cullerton have been in office too long. Gov. Rauner has been trying to pass the budget for a long time.

Madigan and Cullerton have been blocking his efforts for too long. Illinois could possibly come out as junk rating. We need term limits, including for representatives and governors.

Our Congress should worry about the constituents, not their buddies. Many people are moving out of Illinois because they can't afford to live here anymore. Our schools need help. If they don't get enough money, they will not be able to keep the schools open. What will happen to our children?

Hospitals, Medicare, Medicaid also need money to keep working. Why should the residents of Illinois have to pay more taxes? There are millionaires and billionaires who are not paying their fair share.

I used to be proud to say I was from Illinois, but no so much anymore. Gov. Rauner is not the problem. Lack of term limits is the problem. Being a representative should not be a full-time job. When are the citizens of Illinois going to wake up?

When our representatives are elected, it shouldn't be for a lifetime.

Laurel Anderson


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