
Addiction is everyone's problem

I was so sad to hear the reasons for not wanting the drug treatment center near Campton Hills.

Addicts need help, and there can't be enough help to begin to tackle this opioid epidemic. Many rehabs have months of wait time. Jail is only good for meeting more of the wrong people and costs valuable tax money.

This is so typical of the attitude in the suburbs and why so many of your children have died silently. People need places put here to help. They come for help, not to break into your house, use your ambulances, and lower your property values. If someone leaves treatment, believe me they are headed to the city, not your house.

You can turn your nose up, and turn your back until it happens to your child and you are awake at 1 a.m. calling any rehab you can find that has an open bed just so you can save your child's life and not have to receive a phone call at 1 a. m. telling you that child has overdosed. But since the rehab wasn't built in your town, you get put on the waitlist, and maybe that week or two you had to wait will be a life or death decision.

I think it's a disgrace how people in the suburbs view addiction as someone else's problem and something dirty that needs to be another city's problem. I have news for you, it's in all probability already going on in the house next door. We need to acknowledge this is everyone's problem and find better solutions than "not here."

Sarah McKenna

Sugar Grove

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