
Visit Environmental Fair at Schaumburg library May 20

"In every walk with nature, one receives far more than he seeks."

John Muir knew a thing or two about nature. An inventor, conservationist, writer and explorer, he played a key role in the protection of many of the USA's most beautiful lands, and was known as the "Father of Our National Park System."

Not everyone can be John Muir, but each of us can do our part to protect and nourish the environment. Discover ways to make a difference and find out what local organizations are doing by coming to the Environmental Fair from noon to 3 p.m., Saturday, May 20, at the Schaumburg Library, 130 S. Roselle Road, Schaumburg. Co-sponsored by the library and village of Schaumburg's Environmental Committee, the fair will take place in the lobby and various locations throughout the building.

Visitors of all ages, from toddlers to seniors, are welcome to visit interactive booths and attend fascinating programs. In the lobby, you can see how rain effects pollutants by trying the interactive Watershed Model, create power by using the Energy Bike, visit booths from many environmental organizations, or meet the Tomato Lady. During this event, the library will have recycle bins in the lobby for unwanted keys, cellphones and eyeglasses. These collections will only take place the day of the Environmental Fair.

"We are delighted to again be partnering with the village of Schaumburg's Environmental Committee to present this fun, informational and interactive roster of programs and activities for all ages," said Magan Szwarek, Reference Services director.

Several programs will take place on a variety of topics. The programs are free, but require registration by calling (847) 923-3347 or visiting the Information Desk on the library's second floor. You may also register online at

The following registration-only programs are open to all ages.

"Backyard Birds and Bird Feeding" will take place from noon to 1 p.m. in the Rasmussen North Room. Schaumburg Park District's Manager of Conservation Services, David Brook, will discuss how to set up backyard feeding stations, plants that improve habitats for birds, and how to attract birds to nesting boxes. Learn about many of our area's fascinating resident backyard birds, along with common migrants.

"Clouds, Thunderstorms and Tornadoes, Oh My" will be held from noon to 1 p.m. in the Rasmussen South Room. In this hands-on program, Meteorologist Christine Kraus will explain how weather events form and how to prepare for them. You will even get to create a cloud in a bottle.

"Attracting Pollinators with Native Plants" will be presented from 1:30-2:30 p.m. in Rasmussen North. Presenter Mark Micek, project ecologist at Tallgrass Restoration, will discuss which plants to use to attract specific types of wildlife and how to best maintain them.

"Powering Your Home with the Sun" will be held from 2-3 p.m. in the Adult Classroom. Join Peter Gorr, chair of the Illinois Sierra Club Solar Committee, for a nontechnical look of the basics of a residential solar system, from installation to results.

These are just some of the many opportunities that will await you at the May 20 Environmental Fair. Additionally, the library has a plethora of books on environmental topics in the 300s section of the book stacks. Librarians will be happy to help you find titles that might suit your interests, including many by John Muir.

So, come for the fair, leave with some books, and discover ways to be kind to our planet.

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