GOP bears some blame for state woes
State Rep. Grant Wehrli laments the finger-pointing, yet points at the Democrats as the source of the pointing. Does he forget all the ads and tweets pointing the finger at Speaker Madigan and Democrats as the sole reason of the state's woes?
He also forgets that for 30 of the last 42 years Illinois has been governed by Republican governors? Either these governors were totally inept or they share the blame of the state's woes.
Did they swallow their veto pens? Thompson and Ryan spent like drunken sailors. Edgar just refused to pay the bills, dumping the problem down the road and driving up interest on the debt.
And, no, Governor Rauner's only budget proposal was not open for debate. It was $7 billion in the red, and included items the state Supreme Court already ruled unconstitutional. Rauner continues to blackmail the citizens to give his business buddies favors at the expense of working people, creating a budget stalemate for twp years. He doesn't want to govern. He wants to continuously campaign. A real con man holding working people hostage. His "Shake Up Springfield" is really a shakedown.
Jeffrey Crowell