
Resist assault on truth about climate

Ninety-seven percent of scientists agree that humans are causing climate change. This is a fact. Yet the Heartland Institute, a libertarian think tank headquartered right here in Arlington Heights, is waging a massive campaign of misinformation in our schools. Reporters recently revealed that the institute is sending out 25,000 packages a week to science teachers across the country, spreading lies and sowing seeds of doubt.

Dressed up to look like science, the books and DVDs are clearly meant to confuse teachers, denying the fact that scientists are in near unanimous agreement that humans are changing the climate.

Why would the Heartland Institute want to pollute our children's schools this way?

Though they are very secretive about their donors, past records show huge donations from Exxon Mobil and the Koch brothers, the fossil fuel billionaires. Clean, renewable energy is making rapid strides, from electric cars to Tesla solar roof tiles, and the fossil-fuel industry is determined to thwart that progress any way it can.

What can one person do in the face of such corruption? A lot. You can call your representatives in government and tell them you want action on climate change. You can make a donation to one of the many environmental organizations fighting for our children's future.

And you can talk about it. We owe it to our children and grandchildren to resist this assault on truth.

Janet McDonnell

Arlington Heights

Get involved, Congress

While Congress has been dithering over repeal-and-replace legislation and even the inevitable Gorsuch nomination, our dictator-wannabe president took steps in Syria that could possibly lead to the U.S. being involved in yet another long, drawn-out war.

While I mostly approve of the missile strike, Congress must make it clear to President Trump that further military steps should involve open discussion with them and with the American people. Our elected officials need to get over partisan bickering and start earning their pay.

Cherryl M. Crouch

Arlington Heights

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