
Maybe the office will mature President Trump

President Trump has made many off-the-cuff comments and impromptu decisions, including the recent one to ban travel from certain unfriendly nations and wiretap.

The negative reaction to the travel ban by the American public and the international community proves that decisions by the president require much thought and study before actions in word or in deed are taken.

Comments from the leader of the free world carry too much weight to make casual off-the-cuff remarks.

The president needs and is well provided with experts and advisers in every field.

Of course we fear and do not want terrorists in this country. Our nation has always welcomed the needy and oppressed, but we must also control our borders. Nobody questions this fact.

Decisions made in Washington have too many ramifications for millions of people within and beyond our borders, and they require careful analysis, and require anticipation and possible consequences to be considered before being made public.

Politics require compromise and working together. Attaching or antagonizing the opposition is nonproductive and nonpresidential. Trump has to control his words and ego.

He has to study the need, seek good advice, and hopefully find solutions along with anticipating the results of such steps before speaking his mind like he does.

The weight of his office will hopefully bring him the realization for the need of and advice of his cabinet. His acceptance speech reduced the sting of campaign rhetoric. Now let the realization of the office further reduce some of his disruptive nature.

William McNutt

Des Plaines

Use technology to protect our borders

To protect our border with Mexico and in my humble opinion save billions of dollars, can we not do the following:

1. Position hundreds/thousands (as needed) of high-tech drones to patrol our border 24/7;

2. Utilize high-tech cameras to observe every inch of our southern border;

3. Use seismic devices to detect possible "tunnel digging";

4. Hire ample manpower to patrol our border.

Note the following:

1. As our technical capabilities increase in the next five to 10 years, we should be able to actually decrease the amount of high-tech equipment needed.

2. As this "technical support" increases in ability, we can reduce our reliance on needed manpower and shift that manpower to the much-needed area of maintaining and rebuilding our infrastructure.

3. And it seems to me that the "wall concept" is surely not a "cure-all' since it can be scaled, flown over, dug under and gone around.

Marton Kander

Buffalo Grove

Democratic Party has been hijacked

I wonder how long it is going to take the decent Democrats to realize that their party has been "hijacked" and say enough is enough with the anti-Trump protests. The demonstration that took place on April 1 in front of the Trump Tower in New York shows how indecent some protests have become, displaying disgusting behavior.

Also the gay rights advocates in front of Ivanka Trump's Washington residence hosted by Queer Resistance WERK for Peace used very strong (unprintable) language against the police. Our youth is being exposed to this rage.

Conservatives, independents, Republicans weren't happy with President Obama, some saying he wasn't a U.S. citizen, he was a Muslim, etc., but we didn't take to the streets again and again.

The Tea Party was formed protesting lawfully - not causing destruction in the streets - because of the love of our country. We waited - got in position to vote for like-minded candidates in both the House and Senate, and then the presidency.

Mary Lou Olhava

Arlington Heights

If we really cared about life, we'd help the living

This is in response to recent letters about abortion.

I just love our holier than thou right to lifers. Pampered people who have lived privileged lives. They know so much about bitter poverty, domestic violence, sexual abuse, incest, and domination.

High and mighty, they sit on their pristine white thrones and have the gall to deny any woman the right to her own body. Whether it is birth control or, when needed, abortion, it is the woman's decision to make. Not yours, not the priests' not the lawmakers'. It is hers. And, it is nobody else's business.

A fertilized ovum is not a human being. A teaspoon of protoplasm is not a child.

If life is so sacred, why is there no respect for the woman's life and heath? Why are there so many children, many with special needs, waiting for a home? Why are there so many wounded, blind, paralyzed, and afflicted veterans needing care? Why are the mentally challenged in our communities without homes and help?

I kid you not. If men could have babies, abortion would be a sacrament.

Berna K. Gingras


Rest in peace, media; you've earned it

They still don't get it. Slapped down in November's nationwide rejection of their criminally biased agenda, the mainstream media remains steadfastly in my face claiming some level of relevance with regard to news analysis and "objective" journalism, laughable at its core. Unquestionably bent upon destroying a newly elected administration which they openly aggressively sought to defeat, these glitz-driven pop culture icons have yet to embrace their own self-inflicted terminal insignificance onboard the information superhighway.

"Moonlight" over "La-La Land" is the perfect metaphor revealing the liberal mind beset by irrational wishful thinking, denial of truth and a deeply ingrained contempt for those of us pursuing an honest living across the fruited plain.

Rest In peace; you've more than earned it.

William G. Parrot


Days of free, private internet numbered

President Donald Trump is expected to sign legislation recently passed by Congress that changes the rules for internet privacy.

Previously our internet history and habits were off limits to corporate use without our permission.

This new legislation will allow internet service providers to amass and to sell information about an individual's search and viewing habits.

There is also a fear that the FBI will now have unfettered power to search every American's internet trail. Apple recently fought vehemently against giving up the codes protecting their customers' iPhones against outside intrusion, even in the event of a threat to public safety.

I recently got an email from my internet security company. I already pay to have protection for my internet. Now I am going to have to pay more if I want to protect my privacy from corporate greed.

I now see the motive behind the Republicans and their assault on internet privacy.

Their corporate sponsors want to sell us even more services meant to protect the privacy that was legislated before, for free.

This is, I fear, just the first salvo in the war against a free internet.

Karen Wagner

Rolling Meadows

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