
Letter on abortion bill was deceptive

This is in response to the deceptive letter to the editor (Saturday, March 18) from "Catholics" who publicly support the reprehensible Illinois House Bill 40 and taxpayer funding of abortion, and which Cardinal Cupich and most Illinois bishops have strongly denounced. The letter writers assert that the majority of Catholics believe abortion can be a good moral choice, when the reality is that only those who blatantly disregard the laws of God can possibly believe that, and therefore should not be identifying themselves as Catholics.

"Since the first century, the Church has affirmed the moral evil of every procured abortion. This teaching has not changed and remains unchangeable" (CCC no. 2271). Euphemisms such as "reproductive health care" and "legal medical procedure" do not change the fact that abortion is a grave offense, a crime against human life.

Furthermore, the letter writers seem to be confused on the difference between opinion and conscience, the voice of God residing deep within every human heart, leading each person toward the freedom to choose good and avoid evil. The conscience must be formed correctly according to reason and divine law (including the Fifth Commandment - You shall not kill). It cannot be based on personal, legal, or majority opinion, which is often in serious error, which the letter writers have so clearly demonstrated.

If they really want to "support the rights of all Illinoisans" as they say, perhaps they should support our most defenseless unborn citizens' unalienable right to life.

Carol Uhlarik

Elk Grove Village

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