
Yes, he is our president

I wish to make this statement in answer to all who say, "He is not my president."

Mr. Trump is your president, and he is my president. If you do not want him to be your president, then I suggest you leave the USA and be a citizen wherever and wait until the next president is elected. And, if Mr. Trump is re-elected, then stay in whatever country you wish. Then, yes, you can say, "He is not my president."

As long as you are a citizen of the USA, the president is your president.

I may not have voted for Mr. Obama for president, but upon election he was my president. I did not vote for Hillary, but had she been elected, I may not like her, but she would have been my president. That holds true of all elections I voted in since 1957.

You may not like the person in office; however, you should respect the office. If not, like I said, leave until one you like is elected. But don't say, "He is not my president."

He is president of all U.S. citizens

Yes, I voted for change in hope that change will be for the better. If not, I will vote for change again.

Robert A. Jasica

Arlington Heights

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