
Endorsement: Kim for Mundelein village president

When should an elected official air his or her personal beliefs? It's a key question in the race for mayor of Mundelein between incumbent Steve Lentz, Trustee Holly Kim and former planning and zoning commissioner Ray Ladewig.

Lentz in 2015 used a speech during a local Fourth of July celebration to blast the then-new legalization of same-sex marriage. In the speech, which is posted on YouTube, he also criticized out-of-wedlock births as part of "the moral crisis we're in now."

Lentz, running for his second term, stands by his statements but adds the outcry taught him voters prefer candidates not "spar over social issues."

Lentz's speech needlessly hurt some constituents on issues that in no way lie in the hands of municipal leaders. Yet, his acknowledgment of a lesson learned would go far, if not for his role punishing Ladewig for making personal statements of his own. Lentz led the push to fire Ladewig from the Planning and Zoning Commission in February 2015 after Ladewig wrote a letter published in the Daily Herald critical of the village staff's economic development efforts.

Forcing out Ladewig while defending his own right to speak is an inconsistency we can't support.

The Daily Herald endorses Kim, whose volunteerism and tenure as a trustee show her to be a quick learner who works hard. Kim says the village should do more on behalf of businesses. She advocates for property rights, saying residents should use land as they see fit as long as it doesn't infringe on neighbors. She proposes several initiatives to bring Mundelein's diverse population closer together, a good goal. Kim is endorsed.

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