
annette miller: Candidate Profile

Elgin Township Supervisor

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Note: Answers provided have not been edited for grammar, misspellings or typos. In some instances, candidate claims that could not be immediately verified have been omitted. Jump to:BioQA Bio City: elginWebsite: Candidate did not respond.Twitter: Candidate did not respond.Facebook: Candidate did not respond.Office sought: Elgin Township Supervisor Age: 52Family: Husband Kurtdaughter LeahOccupation: Elgin Township SupervisorEducation: St. Laurence grade schoolSt. Edward High SchoolBachelor of Science - Western Illinois UniversityCivic involvement: President Elgin Noon KiwanisMember Elgin Cosmopolitan ClubTreasurer - Township Officials of Kane CountyBoard Member Program Chairman -Township Supervisors of IllinoisMember of Strong Secure Families committee - United Way of ElginBoard Member - Ride In KaneBoard Member - Elgin Township TRIADElected offices held: Elgin Township Supervisor since 2005Questions Answers Name the three most important goals or objectives this board should tackle in the coming term. Prioritize them, and briefly discuss why you believe each to be critical, and how the board should go about addressing them.As a result of the budget crisis in the State of Illinois, it is becoming an increasing burden on local governments. One of the objectives of Township government is to provide quality services and programs, while passing a balanced budget every year, and I believe we have done that since I have been supervisor. Another objective would be to continue the current funding level to social service agencies and youth at risk in our community. Many of these services and funding are currently being cut by the state; with limited funding sources available. We are currently working on a new website to provide our residents with a better format showing the services and programs that the Township provides.What should be the primary responsibility of township government?By statute, it is to assess property, maintain roads and provide general assistance. Elgin also has intergovernmental agreements with 5 other local Townships that we contract with to process their general assistance applicants. We go beyond that and provide Emergency Assistance as well. This program provides families or an individual that find themselves in a crisis situation (utility disconnect, or eviction notice) some relief. We serve as the west side location of the Elgin senior center and also fund the Elgin Township TRIAD program (providing senior safety programs). We provide voter registration and have served as an early voting location for many years. We also have a very successful battery recycling program and flag disposal program available.In the 21st Century, with municipalities gobbling up vacant land, why are townships needed? Should they be serving a new role? If so, what?The Township encompasses a portion of unincorporated areas as well as the City of Elgin and South Elgin. We offer services and programs that these municipalities don't do or don't want to do.Are there any township offices that should be eliminated or consolidated?As it relates to Elgin Township specifically, no. I believe all three departments run efficiently at a low cost to its taxpayers. Perhaps some other types of local governments in Illinois could be looked at for consolidation.Can you identify some township expenses/programs that could be trimmed or eliminated to reduce the tax burden?The township represents less than 2 percent of your tax bill, I believe we provide quality service for that price. We also have had a balanced budget every year, we don't spend money we don't have.What other issues, if any, are important to you as a candidate for this office?As a life long resident of Elgin, I have a vested interest in this community. It's all about serving the Elgin residents at a low cost.We are the government closest to the people.Please name one current leader who most inspires you.I would have to say Pope Francis. He has such a challenge in today's world and continues to try and do the right thing.What is the biggest lesson you learned at home growing up?That you have to work at something to be good at it.If life gave you one do-over, what would you spend it on?That my brother would not have been killed at age 6.What was your favorite subject in school and how did it help you in later life?English/spelling - helps me everyday; correspondence, writing papers (in school), and basic communication skills.If you could give your children only one piece of advice, what would it be?Like what you do, so you go to work happy most days and therefore, will be more positive, successful and happy in life.

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