
Michigan man mistakenly locked up for 3 days loses lawsuit

PORT HURON, Mich. (AP) - A judge has dismissed a lawsuit by a Michigan man who was arrested for driving with his ex-wife in a records screw-up that put him in jail for three days.

Federal Judge Laurie Michelson said Monday that the arrest was "unfortunate." But she says police acted reasonably in carrying out their duties.

Joseph Scott was stopped in 2013 for not wearing a seat belt. The Port Huron officer found Scott was violating a personal protection order because he was traveling with his ex-wife.

Coralee Scott insisted the order had expired. But Joseph Scott was kept in jail for three days - after first being treated for a panic attack.

Authorities discovered the Scotts were right: The expiration date on the protection order was wrongly entered into a database.

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