
Tweak, don't eliminate, health care act

Neighbors of all political views need to be aware of the consequences of the repeal of the ACA. The generally agreed upon facts are that 1.2 million Illinoisans stand to lose their health coverage and the state $50 billion in federal funding for Medicaid, CHIP and financial assistance for marketplace coverage. That affects 260,000 of our colleagues and friends.

Over 5 million citizens with pre-existing conditions could once again be denied affordable, comprehensive coverage. Women in Illinois might again be charged more for health coverage because they are women.

The ban on lifetime coverage limits could disappear, which means that insurance companies could cut off coverage for the sickest of us. Free preventive services such as cancer screening and vaccines could be lost. Insurers will no longer be held accountable for using premiums on care, not profits. According to Families USA, to date, Illinoisans have received about $21 million in refunds from plans that overcharged.

Seniors and people with disabilities saved an average of $1,041 on drug costs. The Medicare donut hole is scheduled to disappear in 2020.

We're in agreement that ACA needs to be tweaked. But throwing the baby out with the bath water isn't a solution. We're a more inventive and compassionate people. We can figure this out.

Julie Sass

Elk Grove Village

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