
Start budget cutting with Planned Parenthood

In 2015, The Center for Medical Progress released videos showing Planned Parenthood executives haggling with undercover investigators over the prices they would receive for fetal organs and tissue.

Once these videos became available for all to see, Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards defended their actions with the tired old argument that "only 3 percent of PP services are abortions." In particular she stressed mammograms and prenatal care as services being provided that should justify her organization receiving our tax dollars.

Revelations followed from the Washington Post stating PP does not provide mammograms, but rather refers them to legitimate health providers who do. As far as the "prenatal" claims, Pro Life organization Live Action contacted over 100 PP facilities asking "Do you provide prenatal services?" The consistent answers in all but five said to look elsewhere for this need.

Planned Parenthood sold more than 324,000 this past year alone. Why then does PP continue to make these false claims? The answer of course is for $500,000,000 reasons. This the staggering amount that you and I pay towards the PP bottom line with our tax dollars. A half a billion reasons. In the sorry world of abortion, the end always justifies the means, any means.

Our country is $20 trillion dollars in the red. We elected Donald Trump to put an end to this financial burden. A major effort across our country feels that the money going to PP is an excellent place to start. After all, a half a billion is not chump change. It is the ethical and frugal step to take.

James Patrick Finnegan Sr.


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