
Sessions reports don't tell whole story

After writing an extensive series identifying and explaining "fake news," the Daily Herald last week published articles on Attorney General Jeff Sessions that should be used as a great example how the media tries to shape our opinion instead of report the truth. Nowhere in the two pages of reports (Washington Post, mostly) do readers see the actual question Democrat Sen. Al Franken asked Sessions during his confirmation hearing which Democrats now argue Sessions lied about. To paraphrase, Franken -- quoting a "breaking news" report from CNN -- asked Sessions if he met with a Russian Ambassador to discuss the upcoming election. Sessions answered he did not.

Could Sessions have elaborated further information? I suppose he could have but that's not what he was asked. By omitting Franken's full question and not providing the proper context, readers are led to believe Sessions lied.

Now, the liberals and fake media are in an uproar, calling Sessions a liar and demanding him to resign. It's very obvious that liberals are doing everything they can to de-legitimize President Trump and his agenda. Foreign Governments, whether Russia, China or others have been trying to influence elections around the world forever. The election is over. Can you please start working on running our country and the jobs you were elected to?

Folks are getting tired of it.

Tim Hurley

Arlington Heights

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