
Get information on heart valve disease

This February 22nd marked National Heart Valve Disease Awareness Day. There's no better time to recognize this common, yet little-known disease.

As many as 5 million Americans are estimated to have heart valve disease (HVD), which occurs if one or more of your heart valves doesn't work properly. The disease can reduce blood flow and lead to major health complications, including death: 22,000 Americans die every year from HVD - an estimated 60 people a day.

Older adults aged 75 and over and people who have had a previous heart condition are especially vulnerable to HVD.

Yet three in four Americans recently surveyed know little to nothing about HVD.

The good news is that, when detected, valve disease can usually be successfully treated in patients of all ages.

In this case, what you know can help save a life.

Sue Peschin, President and CEO

Alliance for Aging Research

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