
Preview Valentine's Day with Jazz Consortium & Wheeling H.S. Big Bands Feb. 12

Jump-start Valentine's Day with some romantic Big Band favorites Sunday, Feb. 12, at Durty Nellie's, 180 N. Smith St., Palatine.

The award-winning Wheeling High School Jazz Band I, directed by Michael Malek, will open for the 17-piece Jazz Consortium Big Band, in the middle of its sixth year at Durty Nellie's. The doors open at 5 p.m., Wheeling's band plays at 6 p.m., followed by the Jazz Consortium from 6:30 until 9 p.m.

Cover charge starts at 6:30--$10 cash for adults, $5 for students 17 and under. Reservations at 847-358-9150, ext. 0.

Dinner and beverage service is all-evening. See Durty Nellie's menu at

"People often think of Big Band music as being mostly high-energy, but there's a beautiful side to it too, with its lush orchestrations and pretty solos," comments bandleader Roy Vombrack. "But our show won't be for couples-only - we'll still be featuring our upbeat material that everyone can enjoy."

The Jazz Consortium Big Band's upcoming schedule can be found at

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