The Soapbox: A recycling salute in Elgin, healthy choices in Lake County, an eyesore addressed in Rolling Meadows and more.
The Daily Herald Editorial Board
Watching the recycling
Salute to Elgin and Waste Management for the program called "Recycle Often. Recycle Right." It's encouraging people to recycle correctly, such as not including plastic grocery bags and greasy pizza boxes in the recycling. People get it wrong all the time, but they also have not been given good instruction, and this is trying to change that.
Accommodating good health
Part of a discussion in Lake County on healthy choices last week was the thought that it's not just about diet and health care, it's also about how we develop the suburbs. Walking and bicycling need to be made easier for residents to achieve health benefits, participants said. We couldn't agree more.
A need to spray
The Forest Preserve District of DuPage County is doing the right thing by allowing spraying to kill adult mosquitoes in its preserves on a case-by-case basis. We understand the district doesn't like to disrupt the natural order of things, but when mosquito-borne illnesses cause public health problems, there really is no choice.
Overheard: Our middle-school child conducting a phone interview for a report about immigration. The person on the other end of the line fled a war-torn Europe more than half a century ago, sought and found refuge here among a welcoming people. Timely history lesson.
Don't keep secrets
The already embattled DuPage County Election Commission didn't help itself by waiting more than a month to announce that longtime Executive Director Robert Saar effectively retired in mid-December, although his last day isn't really until March 14. Saar has the right to his accumulated time off, but why keep his departure secret for so long?
Well, it's something
For years there has been no redevelopment of the eyesore that was the Dominicks site in downtown Rolling Meadows. We say was because it finally was decided to raze the building. There is hope this removal will finally get things moving in the right direction. Either way, green grass is more attractive than abandoned brick and mortar.
Congressman speaking up
Despite the risks he took criticizing President Trump's immigration ban, U.S. Rep. Randy Hultgren didn't go far enough for several dozen people who showed up at his Campton Hills office this week. A spokesman said the 14th District congressman will host a town-hall meeting and promised appointments to all who showed. That's decent service.
Democracy in action
The rare town meeting is as pure a form of democracy as you will witness. The chance to witness one came this week in Elk Grove Township when any township resident who showed up could vote on the sale of the township office and a building that houses a daycare. Residents debated the pros and cons, then voted 84-72 to sell the properties.
Super exposure
Congrats to Libertyville native Phillipa Soo, who will join two other original cast members of the Broadway hit "Hamilton" to sing "America the Beautiful" at the Super Bowl Sunday. Soo earned a Tony nomination for playing Eliza Hamilton and returns to Broadway next month as the star of "Amelie."