Ruling: Moylan can remain Elgin library candidate
A Gail Borden Public Library incumbent will remain on the April election ballot, a Kane County electoral board ruled.
Trustee Susan Moylan has served on the board since 2009. Randy Hopp, a former trustee who also is running in April, filed an objection to Moylan's nominating papers claiming she improperly used "slash marks" - rather than answering "no" - to some questions on her economic interest statement.
The electoral board - comprising the Kane County circuit clerk and designees for the Kane County clerk and state's attorney - met Wednesday to hear testimony. Moylan argued the slash mark is a universally accepted symbol for "no."
The board's ruling was made public Friday morning. Moylan and Hopp couldn't immediately be reached for comment.
Incumbents Beth Kruger and Patricia Harkin, and challengers Amanda Garcia and Tiffany Hendersen, also are running for three open seats on the board.
Hopp is a former trustee who lost elections in 2013 and 2015. He also filed objections in 2015 to the nominating papers of five candidates, including Hendersen, which resulted in one candidate being tossed off the ballot. Hendersen withdrew from the race.
Hopp was banned from all library property, other than for board meetings, for nearly four years after staff members complained of harassing behavior.