
Wide range of reactions

I have just finished reading the Opinion page for Thursday, Nov. 10. I must say, there is a wide range of opinions there.

The editorial was one of the most left-handed compliments I have ever read. However, in my opinion, Randy Rossi hit the nail right on the head. This past election was indeed a nonviolent American Revolution. The backbone of the American People, the middle class, finally got fed up with the status quo. We finally had a candidate that kept his message the same regardless of who he was speaking to instead of like most candidates, telling each group of people what they want to hear.

Yes, he made a lot of promises. Hopefully he will be able to keep most of them, unlike the current administration that has kept none of his.

Regarding the letter by Mr. Gary Lukens, this is the type of closed-minded elitist arrogance that the rest of us are trying to get rid of. At least Michael Klestinski's letter has the hope of all of us working together to make this country Great again.

Kenneth J. Wuestenfeld

Hanover Park

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