
Endorsement: Walsh for Will County CEO

Will County is one of Illinois' fastest growing counties, serving as diverse a population as there is in Illinois.

To deliver growth, to deliver jobs, the road to the future is in transportation, and the present Will County Chief Executive Officer Lawrence "Larry" Walsh, Democrat, has his eye on that. He has served Will County well over the years in many roles, and since 2004, as its chief executive officer.

That is not to say his challenger, Republican Laurie McPhillips does not come with her own strengths in Will County. Over the past 20 years, she has served her community well including as county recorder of deeds and county board member, in addition to many charities. She is an administrator who knows how to negotiate, sees a better way to do things and is not afraid of change.

Yet, when it comes to having a vision for the county in the next five, 10, even 20 years out, Walsh offers the most promise. We endorse him to return as Will County CEO.

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