
Give the gift of reading this holiday season

This holiday season give the gift of reading by donating new children's books for the Arlington Heights Memorial Library's holiday book drive. The books will go to low-income families in our area through the Wheeling Township Adopt-a-Family program. The library is encouraging community groups, school clubs, scout troops and local organizations to get in the giving spirit by starting their own collection to add to the library's efforts of reaching as many families as possible this year.

From November 1-December 1, the library will be collecting new books for children and teens from infancy to age 18. As always, books in Spanish are also welcome.

Collection Dates: November 1-December 1

Location: Drop off your donation in the collection bin by the Checkout Desk at the Arlington Heights Memorial Library. Large group donations can arrange their pick up or drop off by contacting the Communications and Marketing Department at the library.

For more information, contact Communications and Marketing Director Deb Whisler at

847-506-2613 or

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