
Endorsement: Oberweis for Senate in District 25

State Sen. Jim Oberweis is again challenged by Corinne Pierog, a St. Charles school board member, in the 25th District. It's a rematch from Nov. 6, 2012, when Oberweis prevailed by 13,466 votes.

Both candidates favor term limits, and agree the state budget and pension system need help from both sides to fix the messes.

Oberweis, a Sugar Grove Republican, said his time in Springfield has been "frustrating" and this election is his last. He wants to dramatically curtail spending and create more jobs so the state has a bigger piece of the pie from which to tax.

Pierog, a St. Charles Democrat, suggests developing a biannual budget that is reviewed quarterly in order to adapt to a changing economic landscape. She says in order to fix the budget problems, legislators need to come to the table without party affiliations and instead come with solutions.

Oberweis, chairman of the dairy company bearing his name, knows about creating jobs, and how opening a new business can be a struggle in his home state. He wants to reduce waste, fraud and abuse before considering even a temporary tax increase. Oberweis is endorsed.

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