Endorsement: Bush for Illinois Senate District 31
Lake County's 31st Senate District features candidates with similar views on reform issues and vast differences in elected experience. Incumbent Democrat Melinda Bush of Grayslake and Republican Michael Amrozowicz of Gurnee say they back the Independent Map Amendment and term limits - Bush, for leadership positions; Amrozowicz, for all legislators. They say they won't support tax increases, and Bush pledges not to vote for any during a lame duck session this fall.
Amrozowicz is a Navy veteran, business owner and chairman of the Lake County Republican Party making his first run for elected office. He said he supports Gov. Rauner's Turnaround Agenda and backs tax, lawsuit and workers comp reforms to attract business.
Bush is seeking her second term after serving on the Grayslake and Lake County boards. She's a leader in government consolidation and pledges to push that in Lake County. She has built a record of collaboration and independence - she's voted against several Democratic budget bills the last two years and bucked party leaders on the map amendment. She also has deep community relationships needed to be effective at home and in Springfield. Bush is endorsed.