
Trump is bringing his own defeat

Here's an independent take on present-day presidential politics.

Hillary Clinton has been under relentless pressure to deal with some self-destructive issues, namely using bad judgment for using a personal computer server for state business and having poor perception about dozens of donors gaining access to her via their donations to the Clinton Foundation.

These incredible errors in judgment may yet cripple her campaign, although pay to play has been sanctioned by the Supreme Court with their "money is speech" decision, opening the flood gates to obscene amounts of money flowing to influence those running for office.

Donald Trump defeated 16 other members of his party, largely by riding a populist wave of anger and fear, swelled by the issues of inequity, stagnant wages, globalization and immigration, all legitimate issues to hammer the elite and ruling classes who have managed to do nothing to address the flood of such populism beneath their elevated stations.

However, instead of offering viable specific proposals to correct these issues, he rants against Hillary's health, questions her faith, creates conspiracy theories and delusions about Obama's birth certificate, the press being against him and a rigged presidential election.

If attacked, as one would expect to be in any election process, he attacks back twice as hard with invective, insults, made-up facts, even lawsuits. Such temper tantrums are usually excused by those who identify with his anti-establishment ways, but in shooting from his hip, he misses the whole point of being electable. His brash manner belies being civil and reasonable in dealing with issues that need to be dealt with to the greater populace.

Simply saying "Believe me" following hollow and inconsistent policy proposals does not cut presidential timber. So, he leaves Hillary the opening she does not deserve. Donald cannot help stinging himself into defeat.

Thomas McGrath

Arlington Heights

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