
Referendum could delay needed road work

Why a referendum now for dealing with safety issues related to traffic flow, ambulance and fire equipment responding to emergencies.

Our elected village representatives saw the need to rectify these critical issues and presented us - the taxpayers - with solutions at numerous committee meetings and public hearings to hear our opinions.

The Lake Zurich Road and Route 14 intersection is the most dangerous intersection in Barrington. The access to all of the village by fire, ambulance service and to Advocate Good Shepard Hospital is impeded by CN train traffic. Emergency equipment cannot service many areas in a timely manner due to this impediment.

This situation cannot continue to exist, and we must as a community work to eliminate it.

During these numerous meetings, we came together and chose the best option that would impact the least number of homeowners in the village and yet solve these major safety items with the solution of a Lake Zurich Road/Route 14 realignment and a CN track underpass.

The village has successfully used countless hours getting funding for the decision to realign Lake Zurich Road and Route 14 and is working on funding sources for the underpass. Now someone who has a vested interest in the decision comes along and decides they want a referendum on spending for the improvements after all this time and effort?

Referendums cost money, but most importantly it could delay fixing these serious safety issues and cost lives. Is this a real issue or is this someone's fodder for the next village election?

Robert Tikwart


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