Says the Rolling Meadows red-light camera is a 'canker'
The town of Rolling Meadows has a canker in its midst. It is the red-light camera at Kirchoff and Plum Grove that is designed to catch unsuspecting motorists in order to add to the town coffers with outrageous fines.
As an 83-year-old senior I have protested this outrage after being fined not once but twice for a simple left hand turn along with other cars. Being that old I have only income from Social Security and cannot squeeze out this fine from my limited funds.
Both residents and outsiders who are penalized in this manner need to protest to their city hall and newspaper and boycott the businesses on that corridor.
I and my family will not ever again patronize (the businesses) and I am telling my friends at my facility to do the same.
I brought this protest to the city hall and gave it to the police. Using a cane to walk makes this a difficult task.
Martha Tuohy
Arlington Heights