
Christian Liberty students shine at state science fair

On May 14, three students from Christian Liberty Academy, Arlington Heights, were recognized for their achievements at the 2016 Illinois Junior Academy of Science State Exposition at Millikin University in Decatur.

In this exposition, seventh-grader Joey Almy earned a gold award for his project, "The Elasticity of Wood." The project was also recognized as Best in Category in Material Science.

In addition, eighth-grader Adam Kania earned a gold award for "Chillin With the Wind," and eighth-grader Rebekah Bouvier earned a bronze award for "A Comparison of the Mass and Nitrogen Content of Prairie Plant Seeds."

However, the honor did not stop there for Christian Liberty Academy. The school received the Dr. Lyell J. Thomas Memorial Award " … for supporting outstanding student research in science, technology, engineering and mathematics at the IJAS Exposition."

For information about the school, visit

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