
Want to be a GOP delegate? Apply today

Today is the deadline for Republicans to apply to be an at-large delegate to the party's summer convention in Cleveland.

At-large delegates will be formally picked at Illinois Republican Party's state convention May 21, and spokesman Aaron DeGroot says "there has been a large amount of interest and many individuals have applied."

Delegates from across the state will pick 12 people who, because of presumptive nominee Donald Trump's primary win here in March, are bound to vote for him on the national convention's first ballot.

Because of Trump's string of big primary wins, talk of a contested convention has mostly died down, and that might make the selection of statewide delegates later this month less dramatic.

A committee led by former party chairman and Rosemont Trustee Jack Dorgan will recommend the 12 delegates and 12 more alternates before the final vote, DeGroot said.

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