
Democrats pick more delegates for Clinton, Sanders

Illinois Democrats picked several dozen more delegates to their summer convention for both Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, but the chairman of the party said they'll unite by the fall.

"My expectation is that come presidential election day in November, Democrats nationwide will be united," Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan of Chicago said. "Democrats in Illinois will be united."

Sanders in recent days has reiterated he wants to stay in the race until the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia in July and wrote that he'll "mobilize our delegates to force as many votes as necessary" on the party platform and rules on the campaign floor if he thinks the process is tilted toward Clinton.

Clinton narrowly prevailed in Illinois' March primary, and delegates are awarded on a proportional basis. Her collection of statewide delegates chosen at an event Monday in Springfield has more big Illinois names than Sanders', including state Treasurer Mike Frerichs, Secretary of State Jesse White and Attorney General Lisa Madigan.

Sanders' slate includes Cook County Clerk David Orr and state Sen. Mike Noland of Elgin.

Illinois Republicans will pick a slate of statewide delegates at their convention later this month in Peoria. They're bound to vote for real estate mogul Donald Trump on the first convention ballot because he won Illinois' primary.

But Illinois' top two elected Republicans, Gov. Bruce Rauner and U.S. Sen. Mark Kirk, say they won't attend the Cleveland convention.

At Democrats' gathering Monday, Sanders convention leader Dan Johnson called for the state delegation to come out against the Trans Pacific Partnership Trade agreement. The decision was put off

Madigan said he recommended it could be considered later.

"The way things are shaping up here, I think we'll have a lot to talk about when we get to Philadelphia," he said.

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