DuPage property tax bills going up average 2.52%
Tax bills will be mailed later this week to DuPage County property owners, who can expect average increases of 2.52 percent.
County Treasurer Gwen Henry said this years's property tax bills are higher despite the average tax rate dropping by 1.78 percent. The reason is because the total assessed value of property in DuPage increased by 4.3 percent in 2015.
“This has been a challenging year for property owners in DuPage County,” Henry said. “For the first year since 2009, property owners have experienced an increase in assessed values.”
Still, Henry is expecting her office to get plenty of phone calls once DuPage's roughly 334,000 tax bills hit the mail on Friday. She is predicting that many property owners will question how their tax bills can increase when the tax rate decreased.
She said her office, the county clerk's office and nine township assessors are “acutely aware of the challenges taxpayers are facing.”
Henry said every property tax bill includes a guide containing information that property owners should know as they prepare to pay their taxes for 2015.
The guide provides answers to frequently asked questions about property tax bills. It also contains information about how to pay the bills. In addition, the guide has important contact information and a tax year calendar of events.
Property taxes are due in two equal installments. The first is due June 1 and the second by Sept. 1.
“I want to encourage everyone, especially seniors, to carefully check your bill to ensure you are receiving every appropriate property tax exemption,” Henry said.
DuPage property owners with questions or concerns are encouraged to contact the treasurer's office at (630) 407-5900. Help also is available online at treasurer.dupageco.org.