
Governor, do right thing for students

Dear Governor Rauner,

As a public school educator since 1985, I have committed my professional life to the education of young people. It is these young adults who will carry our state and country forward into the future. Your position to withhold these funds is destroying all of these college students' dreams and aspirations.

These students don't come from families of wealth like you, but simply have worked hard to better themselves or as you Republicans always say "pick yourself up by your bootstraps" and "take responsibility for yourself." Your "austerity" principles are destroying our state, our communities, our social services, aide for people with disabilities, and now our higher education system.

I ask you to set your "Turn Around Agenda" aside and do what's best for our state, and especially our talented and inspired college bound students.

I look forward to your support and trust that you will do the right thing, that is support and sign SB 2043, releasing the MAP grant funds.

Garrick Balk

South Elgin

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