
Couch to 5K Week 8 tip: Fueling right during the day

This week's workout: Walk 3 mins/Run 12 mins for 30 minutes

By Nick Hurley

Dick Pond

Most people working out only focus on their nutrition right before and after their workout.

However, it is important to think about what you are eating and drinking throughout the day, so you have the energy to perform at your best.

Here are few small ways to help yourself by making better choices throughout the day:

• Drink more water. Carry a bottle around during the day and keep track of how many bottles you drink. Shoot for 5-8 bottles a day to keep yourself hydrated.

Struggling to drink that much? Use a larger bottle. It is a mind game but you are more likely to finish the bottle even if it's bigger.

• Make sure you eat breakfast. Many leave their homes for work or school without eating some form of breakfast. This is akin to starting a road trip with an ⅛ of a tank and hoping you don't run out of gas.

Fueling your body in the morning will kick-start your metabolism and give you the energy for your workout.

• Don't eat three square meals a day. Aim to eat in smaller portions 5-6 times throughout the day.

This allows your body to digest more easily and will limit that lethargic feeling after a large meal.

You also will be less prone to overeating since you won't feel as hungry by eating the smaller portions more often.

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