
Silly things we do shows God's sense of humor

"The Lord laughs at the wicked."

- Psalm 37:13 (LB)

God laughs - isn't that a strange thought? My friends and I often ponder over this. He actually laughs.

With her turkey in the oven and guests on the way, my friend knew she was in trouble when she discovered after taking out the garbage that her door had locked behind her. She asked herself over and over, "How could I be so stupid not to check that lock?"

Later, after a lot of prayer - and being rescued by her husband - the evening turned out fine. Reflecting on the events of the day, she laughed at her stupidity and wondered, was God laughing with her?

A friend, when viewing her dog's ball resting toward the back of her yard, decided to retrieve it for her pet. Suffering from multiple sclerosis and being home alone, she hesitated, wondering if this was wise. But, after all, she reasoned to herself, she went outside on her scooter all the time.

She decided to go for it, but her scooter quickly became stuck in the mud. How would she get back to the house? She was going to have to crawl 100 feet across mud and rocks and concrete patio to get safely back inside.

With God's help - and much struggling - she made it inside. Now she had only one more thing to do: she needed to call her son to help her up off the floor. She laughed over the phone to him as she exclaimed how stupid she was to venture out like that.

We can be silly sometimes in our actions and make mistakes. We learn a lesson and decide to change our ways. And it is always good when we can laugh at our predicament.

After all, we can always use more laughter. I know I can. Let's remember, God laughs!

• Annettee Budzban is a Christian author, speaker, life coach and nurse. She is speaking on Find and Fulfill your Purpose Friday, April 8, at 6 p.m. at Panera Bread in Round Lake Beach. Annettee can be contacted at or (847) 543-8413.

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