
Climate pact is ruse for wealth redistribution

Over the course of the past several years, there have been numerous opinion letters attempting in various ways to prove or disprove the reality of man-made global warming/climate change. But on Dec. 17, when I read the letter that relied solely upon personal observations to support its existence, including "natural disasters" and "smog in Asia," I figured it was time to spotlight some virtually unreported key government statistics, and couple them with ordinary common sense.

Ironically, this government's own temperature data directly contradicts the sensationalized rhetoric emanating from the White House of "submerged countries, abandoned cities and global war," rendering such claims utter folly.

Both federal agencies of NASA and NOAA inconspicuously reveal identical information on their respective websites: "Since 1880, Earth"s average surface temperature has warmed by about 1.4 degrees Fahrenheit."

Equally eye-opening, about half of this amount occurred before 1950, which is the universally recognized starting point employed by the scientific community for analyzing man"s supposed influence on global temperatures.

Now, considering 1880 was the approximate end of the Little Ice Age, the hysteria generated from a mere, and logical, 1.4 degree increase over the ensuing 135 years should be reason enough for everyone to wonder, "What is going on here?"

At a press conference earlier this year, UN climate chief Christiana Figueres revealed exactly what is going on while speaking in advance of the global climate accord just reached in Paris, when she enthusiastically announced: "This is the first time in the history of mankind that we are setting ourselves the task of intentionally changing the economic-development model that has been reigning since the industrial revolution."

In other words, global wealth redistribution, which is the main ingredient in the Paris Agreement, deliberately seeks to eradicate capitalism under the guise of saving the planet.

How clever.

Frank Gabl

Prospect Heights

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