
Taxpayers got duped at COD

Well, well, the chickens have come home to roost, or should I say "What goes around comes around."

Another metaphor that President Truman is supposed to have used is: "If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen."

The CPA Kathleen Hamilton apparently realized that. That woman has done a tremendous amount of damage to this fine college. It will take years to repair it.

I hope the good people of DuPage County have realized that they were duped into being unwitting accomplices in her power grab.

The amount of money she supposedly saved the property owners is laughable. One man claimed he had a reduction of $25. He said he will give it to charity. Others only claimed $11.

Whoopee, what a haul! And now she is going to stick you with all the legal bills she has run up - $2.2 mil for two months alone.

That's why she doesn't want the true trustees to see the bills and documents. Wait till you get your next tax bill, then you really have something to complain about.

Liesel Knudsen

Arlington Heights

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