
Anna May Miller: Candidate Profile

McHenry County Board District 1 (Republican)

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<p class="disclaimer" style="font-size:16px;color:#666;"><strong>Note:</strong> Answers provided have not been edited for grammar, misspellings or typos. In some instances, candidate claims that could not be immediately verified have been omitted.

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<h3 class="breakHead">Bio</h3>

<strong>City:</strong> Cary

<strong>Website:</strong> Candidate did not respond.

<strong>Twitter:</strong> Candidate did not respond.

<strong>Facebook:</strong> Candidate did not respond.

<strong>Office sought:</strong>

McHenry County Board District 1

<strong>Age:</strong> 62

<strong>Family:</strong> Husband: Robert J. Miller

Three grown children,(two daughters and one son), two son inlaws and eight grandchildren

<strong>Occupation:</strong> Administrative Assistant at the Algonquin Township Road District

<strong>Education:</strong> Candidate did not respond.

<strong>Civic involvement:</strong> Candidate did not respond.

<strong>Elected offices held:</strong> County Board Member

<h3 class="breakHead">Questions & Answers</h3>

<h3 class="briefHead">Why are you running for this office, whether for re-election or election for the first time? Is there a particular issue that motivates you? If so, what?</h3>

I am running for re-election to the McHenry County Board for the same reason that I ran initially. McHenry County was a great place to raise my children. We enjoy good schools, caring communities and strong infrastructure. Currently we face many challenges in Illinois, and I believe I bring a strong, balanced and experienced perspective to addressing these challenges at our local level. I am committed to keeping McHenry County a great place to raise your family.

<h3 class="briefHead">If you are an incumbent, describe your main contributions. Tell us of any important initiatives you've led. If you are a challenger, what would you bring to the board and what would your priority be?</h3>

As Chair of Transportation I am proud of the many projects that have been completed in McHenry County. The bridges we have replaced, roads that have been reconstructed (i.e. Johnsburg Rd.with our first roundabout, Miller Road, Algonquin Road),and the expansion of Rakow Rd. I led the process on the Randall Rd./Algonquin Rd. intersection improvement and am excited about the completion of that project.

<h3 class="briefHead">Describe your position regarding the balance between county spending and revenues as it exists today, then describe the chief threats you see looming in the future and how the county should deal with them. In particular in the suburbs, President Preckwinkle has set a goal of eliminating unincorporated areas from county oversight. Do you agree with this approach? If so, how should the county go about it?</h3>

McHenry County has a long and solid history of balanced budgets. We have approached every budget year from a maintenance budget perspective and adhered to our financial model resulting in our achieving and maintaining a triple A bond rating. We continue to struggle with attracting and keeping business but the CEDS study we are currently involved in promises new strategies for economic development for our county.

<h3 class="briefHead">How do you rate the county government on transparency and the public's access to records? If you consider it adequate, please explain why. If you think improvements are needed, please describe them and why they are important.</h3>

I believe McHenry County has made great strides in improving transparency. Our website allows members of the public immediate access to most materials and documents. Meetings and contact information for elected officials and staff are readily available. As of the first of the New Year you will also be able to access the many union contracts the county has on our website. If there is something missing please let us know so that we can address it.

<h3 class="briefHead">Please list any elected office you have ever run for and what the result of that election was. Have you ever been appointed to fill an unexpired term?</h3>

I ran unsuccessfully for School Board many years ago and I have never been appointed to fill an unexpired term.

<h3 class="briefHead">What other issues, if any, are important to you as a candidate for this office?</h3>

I believe like most candidates running for county office, property tax relief, business attraction and retention and infrastructure investment are the most pressing issues.

<h3 class="briefHead">Please name one current leader who most inspires you.</h3>

Pope Francis is the current leader that I most admire.

<h3 class="briefHead">What is the biggest lesson you learned at home growing up?</h3>

With four siblings I was forced to wait my turn and learned the value of patience.

<h3 class="briefHead">If life gave you one do-over, what would you spend it on?</h3>

In Hawaii on vacation we took the road to Hana. I would not get out of the car to see the black beach.

<h3 class="briefHead">What was your favorite subject in school and how did it help you in later life?</h3>

English, where I acquired a love of reading. I never find the amount of reading necessary to keep current on issues a burden.

<h3 class="briefHead">If you could give your children only one piece of advice, what would it be?</h3>

Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly and leave the rest to God.