
Believe Project: $100 to help co-worker battle cancer

Today's winner of a $100 bill through the Believe Project is Beverley Caliendo of Hoffman Estates.

Here is an excerpt of her story:

"The administrator from my office has Stage 3 cancer, and her husband just had to have shoulder surgery. Neither can work, and her doctor is in Zion. She has a sister-in-law who has driven from Indiana to take her another hour and 45 minutes each way to the doctor.

"Since the tumor grew and they weren't able to remove it, she has lots of nerve pain in her arm, which could lead to paralysis. Her husband has been her caregiver and, now that he is also limited with one arm himself, they could really use the extra help."

• The Believe Project is awarding $100 each day in December to a different person with a good idea for how to use the money to do a good deed for someone else. Submit your idea in 150 words or fewer at

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