
Sharing presents doesn't diminish Christmas spirit

This is in reaction to a reader's view embodied in a Dec. 7 letter entitled "The Semantics of The Christmas Spirit." The author is troubled by how commercialism and the 'evil Santa' (Corporate America) has corrupted the true meaning of Christmas. His words seek to convince us that we have no choice& - that we MUST spend all our money as we get swept away in the name of the Christmas buying mentality.

We do have a choice. We are not mindless pawns blindly waiting for mall doors to open. And if we want to take advantage of a "door-busting sale item" and it fits our gift buying agenda, good for us and thank you, corporate America, for making it possible.

Many of us are not as talented as Santa's elves. We cannot make our own presents! What I take particular offense at the author's mean-spirited comment as follows: "So to all my non-Christian friends - in your face. Merry Christmas!" The hostility and utter inappropriateness speaks for itself.

The true Christmas spirit transcends all religious beliefs and secular preoccupations. It a marvelous human emotion and serves as a reminder to be kind and giving whether you live at the North Pole or in a land where corporate America is selling would-be Christmas gifts at the local mall.

And so, happy and peaceful holidays to all - never in your face but always in your heart.

Larry Joel Powitz

Arlington Heights

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