
Talks continue on traffic signal at Lake Zurich High entrance

Lake Zurich Unit District 95 board members agree a traffic study is needed to help decide whether improvements are needed for Lake Zurich High School's main entrance.

Although a $480,000 federal grant was authorized in 2005 for a traffic signal at the school's driveway on a stretch of Midlothian Road known as Church Street, no work has occurred.

In 2010, the state approved a traffic light at the entrance, with the idea of installation in 2013. The state and village were expected to contribute money to the project.

At Thursday night's District 95 school board meeting, Director of Facilities Lyle Erstad updated officials about the proposed project. He said District 95 and Lake Zurich village representatives met last week and agreed further discussion on the grant and potential changes to the proposal should include Illinois Department of Transportation officials.

A traffic study would collect data on the number of vehicles that pass through the area daily.

"If we're going to try to make an informed decision about what the right course of action should be, we need some information to base that decision on," District 95 board President Doug Goldberg said.

Erstad said a light at the main entrance may not provide enough benefits. The signal may not move vehicles through the area fast enough during high-volume times when students arrive in the morning and leave in the afternoon, he said.

Attention was focused on the stretch of Church Street across from the high school in July 2010, after 18-year-old Gabriella Drozdz was killed and two friends were injured by a hit-and-run driver who has yet to be found. The teenagers were walking on the shoulder.

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