
American Heritage Girls #IL0412 - Today's Christian Girls Are Tomorrow's Christian Leaders

At Immanuel, we have been blessed with the opportunity to have a wonderful group of young ladies, American Heritage Girls (AHG) Troop #IL0412, who have decided with their parents to start a troop open to every girl ages 5-18 in the community whether they attend Immanuel, public school, are homeschooled or even another private school.

What is American Heritage Girls?

American Heritage Girls is a national organization that focuses on developing young women that embraces Christian values and encourages family involvement. It helps girls learn skills that will help them in all areas of their life. Whether this is how to use a computer, sew a button, learn about their ancestors, how to fish, or even what it takes to be an astronaut. The program provides opportunities for the girls to interact across all different ages groups, allowing the older girls to teach the younger girls. By focusing on the girls being leaders they learn responsibility, which carries over in to all areas: in the home, as a citizen of our country, and member of her church. American Heritage Girls also helps guide the girls to learn more about God, how to walk the talk, walk in faith and the need to seek God's will in our lives. God is the common thread through all areas of this program. He is included in the Oath, through our service to others, religious programs, and even connected through our badgework.

For our girls in #IL0412, it's not all work. They love having fun with their friends (and it's wonderful fellowship for us as parents too). We have had pool parties, horse camp, served at Bernie's Book Bank, and participated in many troop meetings learning through play. Each year is different and so many opportunities are open for each and every girl to make friends. We teach them to work as a team, enjoy God's creation, look around and see the beauty and wonder that He has created for us. The girls grow in confidence and learn self-reliance in the outdoors. We help build each girl's character, using the values through family, church, her personal relationship with God and life experiences.

We welcome you to join us. Help us grow the next generation rooted in God's Word!

Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity. 1 Timothy 4:12

For more information, please contact the school office at (847) 359-1936 or TrephinaBedell at

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