
Kirk, Durbin vote supports abortion

On August 3, U.S. Sens. Mark Kirk and Dick Durbin voted to continue giving a half billion of our tax dollars a year to Planned Parenthood, an organization that specializes in the "termination" of preborn human beings through abortion.

Recently it has been learned that Planned Parenthood illegally dismembers and harvests the remains from these aborted babies and sells them.

While a majority of U.S. senators voted to end funding of Planned Parenthood, the 60 votes needed weren't obtained. Yet, Illinois Sens. Durbin and Kirk voted to continue giving our money to this inhumane organization.

I hope you're as outraged as I am.

The moral and legal ethics of selling the organs of freshly aborted preborn babies are disgusting to most Americans. Thanks to modern technology, we have a window into the reality of pregnancy and the abortion industry.

It is intellectually impossible to deny that abortion terminates a human life. It's murder. There simply isn't any reason for taxpayer funding of abortion.

I call on Sen. Kirk to embrace the pro-life principles of the Republican Platform, and urge him to protect the women and preborn babies being exploited by those who promote and profit from death, destruction and the selling of baby body parts.

David E. Smith, Executive Director

Illinois Family Institute

Carol Stream

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