
Problems abound with Glen Ellyn plan

I share the concerns expressed by Glen Ellyn trustees and residents over the proposed Opus Group redevelopment of the Giesche Shoes property and the adjoining village parking lot, which was given to Opus as an incentive.

This massive multiuse redevelopment of the village gateway includes a five-story commercial and residential building and an adjacent 339-space parking deck. The height would range from 53 to 61 feet which makes the building actually six stories using the 10 foot per-story measure employed by many cities. The building will dwarf the adjoining properties and come right up to the sidewalk on Main Street.

All buildings on the east side of Main street are three stories or less and this massive 315-foot-long structure will cause these buildings and 90 percent of Main Street to be without sun for most of the day. A six-story building on the hill overlooking historic Main Street should not be allowed to happen.

A couple of other problems are the uninviting pedestrian alley connecting Main Street with the parking garage and the fact that Hillside Avenue is one-way. Cars exiting the garage headed toward Roosevelt Road will be funneled onto residential streets. This exit will not be set back from the sidewalk which is problematic for pedestrians and bicyclists.

The Main Street apartments will have terraces that will be very visible. The other buildings with terraces in Glen Ellyn have a considerable setback with trees or shrubs hiding the furniture, barbecues, and other items typically stored on terraces.

The building's footprint is a letter E with the prongs facing west, simply flipping it 180 degrees so the courtyards faced Main Street would be a big improvement and hide most of the terraces.

Alan Lanning

Glen Ellyn

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