
214@100: 'Being a part of District 214 means so much'

For 13 years, Tammy Pozniak has worked as Buffalo Grove High School's attendance assistant. On the job, she helps students and parents, and takes genuine enjoyment from helping those she meets. Pozniak takes the role she has and turns it into something more meaningful - a feat evident by her loving student, staff and parent fan base.

"My favorite part about this job is getting to know so many students and their families," Pozniak said. Last summer, she even attended her first wedding of two Buffalo Grove High School students.

Pozniak said she hopes that through the few phone calls parents make, they can achieve a comfort with the office staff that exceeds the more general contact parents might see in other school systems.

"Being a part of District 214 means so much because it offers community, opportunity, stability and much more," Pozniak said. Having dedicated workers like Tammy exceed in their jobs throughout District 214 is one reason for 100 years of excellence.

• 214@100 is a celebration of District 214's centennial; 100 people, places, things and events that have shaped the school district's unique history. To contribute an idea, send an email to

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