
Antioch EcoFair offers a range of activities and information

In honor of Earth Day, the village of Antioch Environmental Commission is sponsoring its fourth annual EcoFair from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, April 18, the Antioch Elementary School gym, 817 N. Main St., Antioch. Activities include eco-friendly fun, prizes, giveaways, and information.

Twenty-five exhibitors and vendors will be there to share information about outdoor fun, ways to protect the environment, eco-friendly products, and how live more sustainably. Kids activities will include making bird feeders, bee hives, planting seeds, and recycled art.

Students from local schools will have recycled art projects on display. Walk-in projects are encouraged to participate in the recycled art contest to win prizes donated by area businesses and the village of Antioch Parks and Recreation Department.

The Antioch Fine Arts Foundation will provide ideas for classes to take or art projects to do at home.

At the event, visitors learn how to enjoy and protect the environment as well as native plants and animals from the Lake County Forest Preserve District, Lake County Health Department, Lake County Farm Bureau, and the International Crane Foundation.

Earth-friendly products such as DoTerra, Norwex, Simply Aroma, Melaleuca, Wildtree, and Natural Products Club will be available for purchase.

The Illinois Treasurer's Office will be on hand to discuss how to recover lost money. Visitors also can learn how to grow plants in a tower garden or how to get a plot in the village' community garden. Tours will be held throughout the day.

Members of the Antioch Community will be on hand to share their expertise on a variety of environmental topics, such as switching from plastic to cloth bags when shopping; simple steps to be more environmentally conscious at home; how to make homemade soaps, shampoo, laundry detergent, skin care products, and natural bug spray; why bees are important to the environment; how to to make art from household items; and how plastics in the ocean affect marine life.

For information, contact Amanda LeBrun, a teacher at Grant Community Hight School and EcoFair organizer, at

The environmental commission was formed about five years ago and currently has eight members. The advisory commission makes recommendations to the village board on how the village can be more sustainable and eco-friendly. Its main annual projects are the EcoFair and community garden.

A display at a previous Earth Day EcoFair event in Antioch. Courtesy of Amanda LeBrun
The fourth annual Earth Day EcoFair will take place from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, April 18, at the Antioch Elementary School Gym. Courtesy of Amanda LeBrun
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