
Mundelein to expand public art project

A public art project in Mundelein will expand this summer, and organizers want the community's help creating it.

Last year, officials brought some color to the village by having local artists paint three utility boxes in the downtown area. All three are on Seymour Avenue between Hammond Street and Route 176.

The project quickly garnered media attention and favorable reviews from business owners and residents. Now, officials want to add seven more boxes to the project.

"It is essentially every utility box the village owns in the entire downtown, including two near the new village hall," said Dakotah Norton, a trustee-elect who serves on the committee that has overseen the project.

"This program is a way of adding color, interest and excitement to our central business district," Trustee Holly Kim said in a news release.

Interested artists can send design submissions to the art committee by Monday, April 20. An application and rules can be found at

"One of the goals of this project is to offer local artists an opportunity to work with the village and local businesses (the chance) to contribute toward the vitality and attractiveness of Mundelein's streetscape," Kim said.

Mundelein has a history of whimsical public art.

Inspired by Chicago's famed Cows on Parade exhibit, a painted, fiberglass cow was displayed at various locations throughout the village about a decade ago. Additionally, the Fremont Public Library hosted a display of miniature painted cows.

Lincolnshire, Wauconda, Buffalo Grove and Long Grove are among the other suburbs that have had public art exhibitions in recent years.

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