
Wrong to equate charter school, tax question

As a retired educator of Woodland District 50, I have followed the coverage of the litigation against Prairie Crossing Charter School, keeping in mind that at the core of this issue is what's in the best interest of each child.

It's concerning that Greg Richmond, the chair of the Illinois Charter School Commission, has publicly responded to the court ruling in Woodland's favor, speaking on behalf of the entire commission when Prairie Crossing was reauthorized last April by a 5-4 vote.

This vote would indicate by fact that four members of the Charter School Commission did not support Prairie Crossing's charter reauthorization. And yet today, Mr. Richmond speaks on behalf of the commission, which to my knowledge, has yet to meet and discuss this matter.

In late January, Woodland's Board of Education announced its intent to place a question on the referendum ballot regarding a tax rate increase of 5 percent that would support technology, capital improvements and air conditioning. Last month, the board approved a contract to install air conditioning at the Elementary East and West schools. While Lake County jail has air conditioning, Woodland Primary does not.

Woodland has been open about how this referendum will benefit its district. It has not brought Prairie Crossing into the equation. The referendum and the litigation are two separate issues.

For someone to try to equate these issues to one another is a desperate attempt to redirect people away from Prairie Crossing's failure to do what it was intended to do: educate students who would benefit from additional resources and support.

I support the Woodland referendum because I understand that supporting schools also supports property values. This is an emotional issue, but let's not forget the facts that have led us to where we are today.

Pat Termini


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